Understanding concrete goes beyond the basics of cement, water, and aggregates. It delves into a world of admixtures and enhancements that play a crucial role in shaping its properties and performance.

Admixtures are essential additives incorporated into concrete either before or during mixing to adjust its characteristics according to specific project needs. These additives can bolster concrete’s strength, durability, setting time, and resilience against various environmental challenges.

The Science Behind Admixtures and Enhancements

Chemical admixtures, for instance, interact directly with the cement hydration process, influencing how concrete gains strength over time. They can speed up or slow down this process, offering precise control over the concrete’s setting time and performance.

Meanwhile, mineral admixtures replace a portion of the cement in concrete mixes to enhance its strength and durability. Materials such as fly ash, a byproduct of coal combustion, or silica fume, derived from silicon and ferrosilicon alloy production, are common examples of mineral admixtures.


Special Materials

At Morgado RMC, we harness the power of these admixtures to create bespoke concrete solutions tailored to the exact requirements of each project. This approach ensures that the concrete we deliver isn’t just a basic mix of ingredients but a finely tuned solution crafted to optimise construction outcomes and meet the highest standards of performance and durability.